- audacity-freeworld - Multitrack audio editor
- cairo-dock-freeworld - Light eye-candy fully themable animated dock
- ffmpeg - Digital VCR and streaming server
- kodi-pvr-argustv - ArgusTV PVR for Kodi
- kodi-pvr-filmon - FilmOn PVR for Kodi
- kodi-pvr-hdhomerun - HDHomeRun PVR for Kodi
- kodi-pvr-pctv - PCTV PVR for Kodi
- kodi-pvr-stalker - Stalker PVR for Kodi
- libfreeaptx - Open Source implementation of Audio Processing Technology codec (aptX)
- mjpegtools - Tools to manipulate MPEG data
- mpd - The Music Player Daemon
- mythtv - A digital video recorder (DVR) application
- obs-studio-freeworld - Open Broadcaster Software Studio -- Freeworld plugins
- pipewire-codec-aptx - PipeWire Bluetooth aptX codec plugin
- python-ffmpeg-normalize - Normalize audio via ffmpeg
- python-ffmpeg-progress-yield - Run an ffmpeg command with progress
- rtmpdump - Toolkit for RTMP streams
- telegram-desktop - Telegram Desktop official messaging app
- v4l2loopback - Utils for V4L2 loopback devices
- v4l2loopback-kmod - Kernel module (kmod) for v4l2loopback
- vcmi - Heroes of Might and Magic 3 game engine
- vdr-burn - DVD writing plugin for VDR
- vdr-markad - Advanced commercial detection for VDR
- vdr-mp3 - Sound playback plugin for VDR
- vdr-mpv - A mpv player plugin for VDR
- vdr-plex - A Plex Client for the VDR
- vdr-skindesigner - A VDR skinning engine that displays XML based Skins
- vdr-softhddevice - A software and GPU emulated HD output device plugin for VDR
- vdr-tvguideng - TvGuideNG is a highly customizable 2D EPG viewer plugin
- vdr-weatherforecast - A VDR plugin which provides a weather forecast
- vdr-xineliboutput - Plugins for watching VDR over Xine