Letter V

vdr-mpv - A mpv player plugin for VDR

Website: https://github.com/ua0lnj/vdr-plugin-mpv
License: AGPL-3.0-or-later
Vendor: RPM Fusion
vdr-mpv is a fork of the vdr-play plugin from Johns. It uses libmpv for playing
media (video, audio, picture) in VDR and also displays the VDR OSD (On Screen
Display) during playback.


vdr-mpv-1.8.1-2.fc42.ppc64le [96 KiB] Changelog by Martin Gansser (2025-03-05):
- Rebuilt for new VDR API version 2.7.4

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-9.fc26